Happy Spring!
Is there a better time of the year?
Today we're having a nice, warm sunny day. This morning I heard the red-wing blackbirds singing while Charley and I were on our morning walk. I'm noticing the aspens in my yard are starting to bud. There are several different species of birds that are starting to hang out at the birdfeeders as well. The beginning signs of spring are here. This winter has been a long one. We definitely won't be experiencing any fire danger this summer with all the snow we've gotten. I hope the winter was good to you.
Lots of great things going on!
I'm in the midst of designing a new website. I'm having some issues with my current site, so I haven't been updaing it, in case you noticed and were wondering. I'm so embarassed by it, that I haven't been actively advertising it either...
I took an amazing class this winter while at the Tucson Gem & Mineral show in February. I learned the technique of granulation. I have finally received all the equipment I need to start doing this. I have some great ideas on how to incorporate it into my designs. I can't wait to get started.
My designs are morphing inot a more free-form, organic style. This is so exciting for me. I am finally finding my voice as an artist! I will be keeping some of my previous designs. As always, I am open to custom work and would love to work with you on a special design.
I'll be trying to keep in touch with you once a month to let you know what is going on in the studio ad expecially when my new website is completed!
I've been accepted into the Ridgway Rendezvous Art & Craft Festival in August. The dates are Aug 12 & 13, if you want to pencil that in your calendar. It's always a great show with so many wonderful artists and fun things to do that weekend!
Follow me on Instagram or Facebook - @carolwilkinsdesigns. I've been trying to post every day about things that are going on in the studio or tidbits of my life. I would love to have you follow along! I'm always looking for new content, so please reach out if there is something you would like to see.